Transforming Lives
We get you the best
loan solution
Business, Salary based, Educational, & Agricultural Loans
Transforming Lives
Let's get you
the best
loan solution
Business, Educational, Salary Based, & Agricultural loans

Transforming Lives
We get you
the best
loan solution
Business Loans, Educational Loans, Salary Based Loans, Micro Housing Loans & Agricultural Loans

Who we are
Zambuko Trust (Pvt) Ltd (Zambuko Trust) is a Faith-based developmental Microfinance Institution, one of Zimbabwe’s pioneer Sector Institutions.
Zambuko Trust was founded in 1990 by a group of Christian business persons in response to economic challenges facing the poor. We operate from 9 branches in Zimbabwe and provide products and services to our clients which include;
1. Loans :Individual and groups loans such as: small business loans, renewable energy loans, agricultural loans,emergency loans, assets finance loans,educational loans,civil servants loans, pension loans.
2. Advisory Services :financial literacy, business management training, debt counseling
Lives Transformation is our business. Microfinance is our tool
Key Features
Quick Approvals
Low Interest Rates
Flexible Repayment
Low Processing Fee
On Time Transactions
Our Vision
To be a leader in sustainable transformation of communities nationwide
Our Mission
“To provide relevant, affordable and empowering wealth creating solutions.”
Our Triple Bottomline
Holistic Transformation
To extend financial and non-financial support, which will improve the quality of life for our customers.
To extend micro finance services to an increasing number of poor clients who cannot be served by the formal financial sector.
Financial Sustainability
To achieve a financial performance of self-sufficiency, which progressively reduces dependency.
Why choose us?
Development Partners
Loans Disbursed
Support Donors
We Acknowledge the kind support of the following donor organisations:
1.USAID- United States of America International Development 2.HIVOS - Humanistic Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries 3.CIDA - Canadian International Development Agency 4.AusAID - Australian Agency for International Development 5.DFID - Department for International Development 6.MEDA - Mennonite Economic Development Agency
Our Address
Head Office, and Harare Branch:
No. 6 Aberdeen Road
Postal Add: P O Box 1183, Harare
Contact Details
CALL/WhatApp : 0781 160 351
Tel: +263 (24) 2333692/3, 2302495